Cat food during pregnancy

Best Cat Foods for Pregnant Cats

Cat food during pregnancy is slightly different from the food you would eat in normal times, some cat owners believe that cats during pregnancy do not need much nutrition, and some believe that feeding cats is healthier, both of which are incorrect.

Balanced feeding of pregnant cats is the perfect way to ensure the health and safety of both cats and kittens.

One of the most common mistakes in eating cat food during pregnancy is overfeeding at the beginning of pregnancy and undernutrition during labor, and this is a mistake that we will explain in detail as we explain how to feed cats during pregnancy and before birth.

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Cat food before mating and pregnancy:

When you decide to mate with your cat, you should pay attention to some notes about cat food. Cats need plenty of high-quality foods that contain protein and essential nutrients to help cats ovulate and conceive.

Cat food during pregnancy, especially during ovulation and mating, should be based primarily on supplying cats with vitamins A and B, since cats cannot synthesize this vitamin from vegetables.

Although this important vitamin can be extracted through foods such as (liver, kidneys). Therefore, feeding your cat these foods in a balanced way will help your cat stay healthy and provide it with the vitamins it needs during mating.

Care must also be taken to provide cats with B vitamins, which are mainly found in eggs, liver, fish and poultry. Vitamin B is responsible for maintaining an ideal weight for cats and is also responsible for preventing various diseases such as loss of appetite, hair loss and wounds around the cat's mouth.

The importance of water in a cat's life during pregnancy:

Pregnant cats should always be provided with clean water. You should monitor your cat and make sure that your cat is provided with adequate water during pregnancy because water is very essential to the health of a pregnant cat. Make sure to clean the cat bowl you put the water in, and always make sure your cat has plenty of water to keep it healthy. 

Pregnancy cat food:

After pregnancy, confirm this by looking at your cat for signs of pregnancy, or by getting a TV x-ray to a vet, you should take care of your cat's food in a balanced way during the first few days and weeks of pregnancy to avoid affecting the cat and its health from obesity which we explain in detail As follows:

Cat food for the first to fourth week of pregnancy:

The average gestation period for cats is 8 to 9 weeks (60 to 70 days). Kittens in early pregnancy do not need any additional feeding.

Contrary to popular belief that some cats need a lot of food during the first few days of pregnancy to help kittens grow, this is a huge mistake.

You should continue the same balanced feeding pattern as your cat during the first and fourth weeks of pregnancy. Do not increase the dose of your pregnant cat's food or the amount of food at each meal, as this may make your cat obese.

It is true that kittens begin to grow in the first four weeks of pregnancy, but this does not require any additional feeding. Alternatively, you may notice a loss of appetite in your cat in the third week of pregnancy, so don't worry.

All you have to worry about is if your cat is not eating at all for 24 to 48 hours in a row. At this point, you should contact your vet immediately to find out what solutions to follow and properly track the pregnancy

How do I know if I'm giving enough food to my pregnant cat?

You can easily tell if food is plentiful by looking at your cat's feces. If the cat's stool is heavy or large, or if the cat is urinating more than usual, this is an indication that she has been given a large amount of food. vice versa. If a cat does not excrete or is excreting much less than usual, this means that she is malnourished 

Supplements in cat food during pregnancy:

Some veterinarians recommend giving cats vitamins and nutritional supplements to help cats grow properly and help pregnant cats stay healthy. But we believe that as long as the cat is not showing any symptoms, do not give her any supplements, vitamins, extra vitamins or unnecessary nutritional supplements that can have a devastating effect on the health of the cat and the health of the fetus, kitten.

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