How to take care of cats

Cat Care

Cats attach great importance to the ground on which they stand, it is important for a person to take into account the provision of a suitable place where there is some privacy for the cat. The place must be well prepared before bringing the cat into the house, a safe place must be prepared for the cat, and it is possible to purchase a special cat bed, taking into account that it is wide enough so that the cat can lie down and stretch freely.

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How to take care of cats

How to take care of cats

Knowing how to take care of cats is very important, and here are steps and instructions showing how to 

  • Attention: The cat must be taken care of and cleaned constantly, as frequent brushing helps keep the cat clean and reduces hair loss.
  • Place of residence: The cat must have a suitable place to live in, as it must be dry, comfortable, clean and safe. It is important to provide a comfortable bed covered with a warm and soft blanket, so that the cat feels relaxed and comfortable.
  • Disposal of litter: The litter box should be emptied at least once in an owl, taking into account not to use ammonia or deodorants when cleaning it.
  • Treatment: The cat should not be given any medicine, unless prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Food: The following tips should be followed to take care of the cat's diet:

  1. Take the advice of a veterinarian, who will determine the appropriate quality and quantity of food for the cat based on its age, activity level and health.
  2. Food should include an amino acid called taurine, which is essential for heart and eye health.
  3. Make sure to provide fresh water to the cat at all times, and wash and refill the bowls on a daily basis.
  4. Be sure to read the labels on food packages carefully, as some substances such as onions or garlic powder can cause poisoning for cats.

Information About Cats

There is a lot of distinctive information about cats, including the following:
  • with games that resemble prey, due to the close similarity between playing and hunting.
  • Cats purr when they feel safe and happy, and they can purr for a long time without stopping.
  • A cat's meowing tone varies depending on what it wants, whether it wants food, help, or attention.
  • A cat uses body language to express itself, and rolling over its body indicates complete confidence in the person standing in front of it.

  • Cats have the ability to balance better than most animals out there.
  • Cats always want to leave their scent with their best friend, by rubbing their head and chin on people or furniture, and thus transferring the pheromones they produce to them.
  • Cats love to smell catnip, so cat toys are usually stuffed with wild mint, or sprayed with its scent. Humans can train cats to do many things, such as getting the ball back, ringing the doorbell, or turning on the faucet.
  • Cats have the ability to adapt to surrounding conditions, and learn by observation, imitation, and trial and error.

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