Do cats feel cold? How do you keep your cat warm?

In the winter and with the temperatures dropping, many cat breeders wonder if cats feel cold and how to keep young and old cats alike warm.

Whether you have a cat that loves to sit indoors and cuddles or a cat that loves to go out and chase prey in the snow, it is important to know what you need to do to care for your cat and protect it from cold temperatures while keeping it warm.

How can you tell if your cat is cold?

How can I make my cat feel warm?

Do cats like to be kept warm?

In this article, we will share with you warning signs to be aware of, the temperature at which most cats feel cold, as well as some tips to keep your cat warm indoors and outdoors.

Do cats feel cold at home?

Most cats handle cold temperatures well, especially cats that are used to spending time outside or adopted from the street, Dr. Michael Arbino, director of the Borumhill Veterinary Hospital in Brooklyn-New York, confirmed in an interview with the Daily Bowes magazine. But you should never leave your cat outside in the cold all night, especially in freezing temperatures.

Indoors such as your home can get cold cats too, but having a comfortable place for the cats with a warm blanket to sleep in and curl up in or an insulated cat bed can help prevent this.

Even in the summer, cats may feel cold from the air conditioner, so be sure to put the air conditioner at a temperature that cats can handle, and if your cat shows signs of discomfort from the cold room atmosphere, it is best to turn it off or keep your cat away from the air conditioning room.

What temperature do cats feel cold at?

According to veterinarians and as a general rule you may be stunned, any temperature below 45°C cats may feel cold. If the temperatures drop much lower, as in the winter, cats will be at risk of hypothermia, especially if they are outside for a long time.

The length and weight of your cat's fur can also make a difference. Hairless cats, and cats that have had their hair shaved or brushed in any way that would reduce the hair length too much, should never be outside in cold weather. Hairless cats usually need a jacket to wear even indoors.

Obese cats are likely to handle a cold better than normal cats, but they will also be slower and less active, exposing them to other risks caused by being overweight.

How do I know if my cat is cold?

You only want the best for your cat. That's why you might find yourself wondering in the cold winter months, "How do I know if my cat is feeling cold?" Well, here are some humiliating signs that your cat is cold:

1. Flicker

If your cat is cold, she may start shivering like a human would. But shivering can also be a sign of anxiety, pain or illness, so it's important to note other details in your cat. Shivering with panting, for example, a sign of stress or pain. It can also be a sign of a fever, especially if it's a loss of appetite and a cat not cleaning itself.

2. Inflating the fur

Cold cats may curl up near the ground and fluff their fur a little. If your cat fluffs its fur but is standing up, not bent over, this is when it senses a threat. But if she is bent over and fluffing her fur a little, she may be feeling cold.

3. Cold extremities

Your cat's extremities, such as the ears, tail, and nose, may feel cooler than usual. A cat at risk of hypothermia also becomes sluggish, with dilated pupils or difficulty breathing. Such symptoms may require immediate veterinary attention.

4. Find warm places

A cold cat may search for warmer places more frequently than usual. This can include hiding under covers, curling up in your lap, or trying to sleep in a warm place such as a hot vent. Some cats like to snuggle all the time whether it's hot or cold, so watch for a change in behavior to be sure.

The right temperature for cats

A normal cat’s body temperature is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, Dr. Arpino says, “If your cat is feeling cold, you can simply move it to a nice warm room and that will solve the problem, but if the cats are left outdoors in an atmosphere below 45 degrees and they develop symptoms of hypo The temperature that we mentioned, they must be wrapped in a warm towel and taken to a veterinary hospital for necessary care.”

If a cat is left in low temperatures for too long, it can develop hypothermia, a medical condition that can sometimes be serious. If your cat experiences these symptoms of hypothermia, which we will mention, take her to the vet as soon as possible.

According to vets, signs of moderate to severe hypothermia include:

  1. Mental stupor or confusion
  2. dilated pupils
  3. breathing difficulties
  4. muscle stiffness
  5. low blood pressure
  6. slow heartbeat
  7. coma (in severe cases)

Cold isn't the only concern for cats during the winter months: "Dry air can also affect your cat so always make sure they have fresh water."

By watching your cat for signs of a cold, avoiding going outside for long periods of time when temperatures drop, and keeping your cat hydrated, you and your pet can have a healthy winter together.

How to warm cats in winter

Your cat can stay warm and enjoy the weather if you provide him with plenty of warm places inside the house. Cuddling your cat on the couch is one of the best ways to keep your cat — and yourself — warm in the winter. Here are some other tips for warming your cat:

  • Leave a soft blanket, towel, or pet bed in a warm room for your cat to use when she's cold or wants to rest.
  • Give your cats a nutritious, calorie-rich diet to help them keep warm. Cats need a little more lunch in the cold and winter.
  • Make sure your heating system is reliable and running, especially if you want to leave your cat indoors for long periods of time.
  • Allow your cat to curl up on your side under the covers at night. This will help keep you warm as well.

You can also warm your cat by playing with it and energizing it. Start a game of catching mice, or chasing pingpong balls with her.

As you can see, the right temperature for cats in winter really depends on what type of cat your cat is and how cold your home or country is. Watch for any signs that your cat is feeling cold, and prepare soft beds and blankets in your home so your cat has plenty of places to keep warm.

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